Saturday, September 10, 2011

You Can Win


When we take care of our people problems, most of our business problems are automatically resolved.


  1. Either I don’t know how to do it - which becomes a technical training education issue


  1. I don’t want to do itin this case he is really saying two things again

    1. Either I don’t care to do it - that’s an attitude issue
    2. I feel strongly enough not to do it - which becomes a value issue

ATTITUDE - Increase productivity and profit by developing a ‘Can do Attitude’.

We have asked many decision makers this one question.
“If there was one thing that would make your organization more productive what would that be?”

Pretty much everyone came back with one word ATTITUDE. They said if our people have better attitude we would have a better teamwork, quality and bottom line would go up.

How come under the same set of circumstances some people break records while others break themselves.


Everyone wants to climb the ladder to success only to find that the ladder is leaning against the wrong building.

There are customer service and selling skills programs that teach, "How to say please, thankyou, and smile". The big question comes how long can we keep a fake smile. Besides people can see through people, can’t they? If the smile is not sincere it is irritating, isn’t it? That means we need to have substance over form, not form over substance.

Unlike most professionals who keep telling others,
What to do,
We take an approach
Why don’t you,
because we believe most people already know what to do.

If you ask the person on the street they will give you all the right answers. Ask them,
are they doing it?
Probably not.

What’s missing is the MOTIVATION; the big question is,
can we motivate people?
Absolutely not

What we can do is, we can inspire people to motivate themselves.Inspiration is thinking whereas motivation is action. I cannot act for you; you have to act for yourselves. When thinking changes it starts reflecting in behaviour. Which is more lasting, and that’s what people are looking for, aren't they?

Two major questions:

  1. Why do people get de-motivated?
  2. Who or what motivates the Motivator?

I.T. certainly has increased the speed of communication no doubt, but unless people know how to and what to communicate, they will only miscommunicate a lot faster, won’t they? Guess what is the cost of miscommunication faster? It is horrendous, isn't it?

Self-esteem is the way we feel about ourselves. When we feel good, the world looks nice, productivity goes up and relationships are a lot better. The reverse is just as true. Self-esteem is inversely related to egos.

Have you seen people with egos like,
I know it all.

What do they do?
They talk down to others,don't they? They put down others,don't they? They look down upon others and every decision they make is more to satisfy ego than make sense.

Question is, why does a human being put down another human being? It is sadistic but true there are some people in this world who feel good when the other person feels bad.

There is another kind of ego which is 'FRAGILE EGO’ - where any thing you say, I take it personally and get hurt. What do both these egos do to teamwork? - DESTROY IT.

Why do people deal with us? Not because we are the smartest people but because they feel comfortable dealing with us.
What gives them the feeling of comfort? It is the X factor. How do we build the X factor?
People don’t care how much you know they want to know how much you care.

Unless people have individual goals, how can they tie-up with corporate goals? Goal setting includes a holistic approach which means people take family problems to work and bring work problems
to family
. Don’t they?

There is no such thing known as neutral leaders. Either they are good leaders or bad leaders.
Good leaders actively guide, bad leaders actively misguide. Good leaders look to create more leaders, bad leaders look to create followers. Why? Because they feel insecure.

It is not problem solving but pre-empting and preventing.

Profitability is not only money but goodwill too.
Profitability is not the reason why we practice values. We practice values because we believe in them. When we believe in something, we will or won't do things, even if no one is watching.

All of the above is only theory unless we have a system to put it in practice.

WHAT makes our program unique is that participants leave our program with an action plan, which can be implemented immediately. Over 24,000 people have benefited from our dynamic programs.


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You Can Win


When we take care of our people problems, most of our business problems are automatically resolved.


  1. Either I don’t know how to do it - which becomes a technical training education issue


  1. I don’t want to do itin this case he is really saying two things again

    1. Either I don’t care to do it - that’s an attitude issue
    2. I feel strongly enough not to do it - which becomes a value issue

ATTITUDE - Increase productivity and profit by developing a ‘Can do Attitude’.

We have asked many decision makers this one question.
“If there was one thing that would make your organization more productive what would that be?”

Pretty much everyone came back with one word ATTITUDE. They said if our people have better attitude we would have a better teamwork, quality and bottom line would go up.

How come under the same set of circumstances some people break records while others break themselves.


Everyone wants to climb the ladder to success only to find that the ladder is leaning against the wrong building.

There are customer service and selling skills programs that teach, "How to say please, thankyou, and smile". The big question comes how long can we keep a fake smile. Besides people can see through people, can’t they? If the smile is not sincere it is irritating, isn’t it? That means we need to have substance over form, not form over substance.

Unlike most professionals who keep telling others,
What to do,
We take an approach
Why don’t you,
because we believe most people already know what to do.

If you ask the person on the street they will give you all the right answers. Ask them,
are they doing it?
Probably not.

What’s missing is the MOTIVATION; the big question is,
can we motivate people?
Absolutely not

What we can do is, we can inspire people to motivate themselves.Inspiration is thinking whereas motivation is action. I cannot act for you; you have to act for yourselves. When thinking changes it starts reflecting in behaviour. Which is more lasting, and that’s what people are looking for, aren't they?

Two major questions:

  1. Why do people get de-motivated?
  2. Who or what motivates the Motivator?

I.T. certainly has increased the speed of communication no doubt, but unless people know how to and what to communicate, they will only miscommunicate a lot faster, won’t they? Guess what is the cost of miscommunication faster? It is horrendous, isn't it?

Self-esteem is the way we feel about ourselves. When we feel good, the world looks nice, productivity goes up and relationships are a lot better. The reverse is just as true. Self-esteem is inversely related to egos.

Have you seen people with egos like,
I know it all.

What do they do?
They talk down to others,don't they? They put down others,don't they? They look down upon others and every decision they make is more to satisfy ego than make sense.

Question is, why does a human being put down another human being? It is sadistic but true there are some people in this world who feel good when the other person feels bad.

There is another kind of ego which is 'FRAGILE EGO’ - where any thing you say, I take it personally and get hurt. What do both these egos do to teamwork? - DESTROY IT.

Why do people deal with us? Not because we are the smartest people but because they feel comfortable dealing with us.
What gives them the feeling of comfort? It is the X factor. How do we build the X factor?
People don’t care how much you know they want to know how much you care.

Unless people have individual goals, how can they tie-up with corporate goals? Goal setting includes a holistic approach which means people take family problems to work and bring work problems
to family
. Don’t they?

There is no such thing known as neutral leaders. Either they are good leaders or bad leaders.
Good leaders actively guide, bad leaders actively misguide. Good leaders look to create more leaders, bad leaders look to create followers. Why? Because they feel insecure.

It is not problem solving but pre-empting and preventing.

Profitability is not only money but goodwill too.
Profitability is not the reason why we practice values. We practice values because we believe in them. When we believe in something, we will or won't do things, even if no one is watching.

All of the above is only theory unless we have a system to put it in practice.

WHAT makes our program unique is that participants leave our program with an action plan, which can be implemented immediately. Over 24,000 people have benefited from our dynamic programs.
